
Archives June 2024

GTE to GS Transition: How Should You Change Your SOP?

Yes, you heard right! There has been a significant change in the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) process in Australia. As of March 23, 2024, the process has been updated and is now referred to as the Genuine Student (GS) requirement. All applications are processed under these new GS criteria. Let’s discuss the changes made to the Statement of Purpose (SOP) in the GS requirement and how they differ from the previous GTE guidelines.

Changes in SOP Requirements

Previously, under the GTE requirement, applicants were expected to provide a comprehensive SOP that detailed various aspects of their study plans. This included why they chose a particular course, how it aligned with their career goals, reasons for choosing Australia over their home country or other countries, the selection of universities or institutions, an understanding of the student visa subclass 500 rules, and many more. The SOP often extended to over 2000 words, making it a time-consuming task.

New GS Process

With the new GS requirement, the process has been streamlined. Applicants now need to address specific questions with concise answers, each limited to 150 words. This change not only reduces the length of the SOP but also focuses on more targeted information. Here are the questions that applicants must now answer:

  1. Give details of the applicant’s current circumstances. This includes ties to family, community, employment and economic circumstances. 
  2. Explain why the applicant wishes to study this course in Australia with this particular education provider. This must also explain their understanding of the requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia.
  3. Explain how completing the course will be of benefit to the applicant.
  4. Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include.


NOTE: Applicants who have previously held a student visa or are lodging an application in Australia from a non-student visa must also answer an additional question. Along with these responses, supporting documents must be attached to the applicant’s ImmiAccount. Generic statements unsupported by evidence will not be given significant weight, so it is important to attach evidence for all claims.


How to Answer GS Questions?

Although the requirement for a lengthy SOP has been eliminated, making responses to these GS questions can still be challenging. Each answer must be precise, informative, and authentic, covering all necessary information in just 150 words per question. Let’s break down how to effectively address each question:

Question 1: Give details of the applicant’s current circumstances. This includes ties to family, community, employment and economic circumstances. 

Example: “I am currently working as a software developer at XYZ Company, where I lead a team of five. With my program in Australia, I will learn skills similar to those of a Business Development Manager, enabling me to work on developing a business. Besides, I live with my parents and younger sister, who are very supportive of my education plans. I am actively involved in local community tech meetups, which help me stay updated with industry trends. My education in Australia will make me able to get recruited by a prominent company back in India.

Question 2: Explain why the applicant wishes to study this course in Australia with this particular education provider. This must also explain their understanding of the requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia

Example: I chose the Master’s in Management at ABC University because of its strong industry connections and comprehensive curriculum. This course aligns perfectly with my goal of becoming a Business Development Manager. ABC University stood out due to its state-of-the-art facilities and excellent faculty. I am aware of the cultural diversity in Australia and look forward to contributing to and learning from this vibrant community. Financially, I have saved enough to support my initial months in Australia, and my family is also contributing to my education fund.

Question 3: Explain how completing the course will be of benefit to the applicant.

Example: The answer must include how Australian education will be beneficial. The answer will be like “Completing this course will make me able to learn about the advanced business developing skills, essential for my career advancement. It will open opportunities for senior roles in my field, allowing me to contribute significantly to my company and the industry.

Question 4: Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include.

In it, include any other relevant details that strengthen your application. Provide any unique aspects of your background or future plans or your gaps.

Example: “Apart from my academic and professional qualifications in India, I have completed some online courses required to enhance business sales like Digital marketing, etc.  These additional skills will enable me to bring a unique perspective to my studies and future workplace.”

To answer the above question effectively, thorough research is essential. A well-researched response will provide depth and accuracy in just 150 words.

Start Your IELTS Coaching With Crosslink Education

At Crosslink, we have a team of professionals dedicated to helping you draft these General Studies (GS) questionnaires before submitting your application. Our experts guide you through the process, ensuring your answers are well-informed and concise.

If you need any assistance, feel free to contact us. We are here to support you in framing strong, and researched based GS statements that makes your application unique among others.

How PTE Coaching helps you in getting your desired scores as compared to self-study?

What if you do not take classes from a certified trainer?

  1. Scattered and Aimless – In the beginning of your preparation it might look easy to practice different modules, but while you will move ahead, the process can get overwhelming. Deciding between what task to do and when, how much course should be covered in how much time, by what date you should book your exam. Dealing with all these problems can lead to demotivation or delay in your process.

2. Waiting and indecisiveness – Without set goals and targets, one can just procrastinate. Missing the application and admission deadlines would be few of the problems you may face.

3. Self-analyzation can be challenging – Evaluating your progress and results can be mind-bending. One has to be aware of all the parameters on which the candidate will be assessed and then applying a well systemized strategy to meet those parameters.


What will you acquire through PTE coaching?

  1. Strategized course of action (curriculum) – Through systemized approach and professional training student does not have to think about the plan of action. Instead, they can follow a result-oriented course which is not only customized to their needs but well-proven as well.

2. Quick Feedback – Certified trainers can provide you the evaluation promptly on the basis of the same parameters on which you will be assessed in the exam. Besides that, this will lead to a swift study cycle of the student.

3. Proficient and versed guidance – Experienced teachers will provide the accurate feedback, guiding further with the corrections and ways to tackle problems to reach the desired goals.

4. Learning companion – Learning at a coaching center could be an enriching experience where you practice along with other students with the same interest, where you can seek help from each other and clear common mistakes.

5. Study material – A coaching institute will provide you all the relevant and latest study material from all the best sources, in turn students can fully focus on practicing rather than searching for the material online, which could be with errors or

6. Competitive environment – Performing various task could get monotonous, but practicing similar task with your classmates can give it a competitive edge. Where students comparatively grow and learn better than doing it all alone.

7. Regular evaluation through Mock test – Apart from practicing all the modules every day, students need to practice for the whole mock-test. First of all, it gives them the sense of time management. Secondly, timely evaluation makes it a transparent process where the student can decide their exam date.

8. Get real-time experience while practicing- Coaching centers can provide you the similar experience as what you will get in your main exam. This will get you rid from your exam-day jitters, making you more confident and less anxious on your exam.

9. Stay updated- Being directly partnered with Pearson PTE, enables us to get all the timely updates including the modifications. This help the candidates and their parents to stay up-to-date

Regular masterclasses, seminars, doubt-clearing sessions-flexibility between Online and Offline sessions will keep the students motivated.