
Canada to invite nearly 15 lakh immigrants in next three years, but can India retain the top spot? Explained

Canada to invite nearly 15 lakh immigrants in next three years, but can India retain the top spot? Explained

In light of Canada’s recent release of the Immigration Levels Plan for the years 2024-2026, Immigration Minister Marc Miller has emphasized its tailor-made approach to bolstering economic growth while addressing the challenges in sectors such as housing, healthcare, and infrastructure. The plan outlines Canada’s commitment to welcoming 485,000 new immigrants in 2024, and 500,000 annually in 2025 and 2026.

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Canada currently grapples with an aging population and labor shortages in critical industries, motivating the country to harness the potential of highly skilled professionals from nations like India. In 2022, India contributed 118,095 new permanent residents to Canada, comprising over a quarter of the total 437,120 new permanent residents for the year, as reported by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Despite heightened diplomatic tensions between Canada and India, there have been speculations regarding potential slowdowns in the immigration process. Nevertheless, experts contend that Canada’s need for immigrants is non-negotiable. Rajiv S. Khanna, the managing attorney at, the Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna, PC, noted, “Despite the tension, immigration-wise, they don’t have a choice.”

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Khanna went on to explain that Canada’s demographic growth could stagnate, potentially reaching close to 0% without immigration to sustain it by 2030. Official government data reveals that by 2035, five million Canadians will retire, resulting in a ratio of only three workers for every retiree, equating to 25% of the population being retirees. He added, “Hence, if they don’t have immigrants, they will not be able to offer that same level of services to its residents. So in other words, they need the younger people amongst the immigrants to support the aging education, aging population of Canada.”

The 2024-2026 Immigration Levels Plan, as outlined in a press release from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, sets forth a responsible strategy for achieving sustainable and stable population growth. The plan maintains Canada’s goal of 485,000 permanent residents for 2024 and moves towards the target of 500,000 for 2025. Starting in 2026, the government intends to stabilize permanent resident levels at 500,000, allowing for effective integration while simultaneously bolstering Canada’s labor market.

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The government is also taking steps over the next year to recalibrate the number of temporary resident admissions to ensure the sustainability of this aspect of the immigration system. Minister of Immigration Marc Miller affirmed, “Immigration drives Canada’s economy and fuels its future growth.” He further emphasized the plan’s alignment with economic growth while addressing pressures in vital areas like housing, healthcare, and infrastructure, asserting that it charts a responsible path towards sustainable and stable population growth.

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