
SOP Sample (Statement of Purpose) : Master of Organizational Management Canada

SOP Sample (Statement of Purpose) : Master of Organizational Management Canada


University name: Crandall University

Program: Master of Organizational Management

Country: Canada

I am xxxxxxxxxxxxx resides with my parents in India. I have completed my Bachelor of Business Administration from the xxxxxxxxxx (constantly ranked amongst as a top university) and completed it in this xxxxxxx As for my language proficiency in English, I have the overall band score of xx in IELTS.

I went on BBA degree because, since childhood, I have been having a massive interest in the business and wishing to get an intensive knowledge in this same area. For this, I have decided to study Master of Organizational Management at the Crandall University, Canada so that I can take up another step to my ladder of success.

The field of organizational management is primarily concerned with coordinating, planning and leading the various departments and divisions that make up a company or organization. In addition to meeting sales and productivity objectives, organizational managers also work to cut unnecessary expenses, maximize efficiency, boost employee morale and otherwise ensure that operations run smoothly and successfully on a day-to-day basis. This holistic approach to management enables executives to take a close look at their workforce to determine their organization’s key strengths and assets, as well as areas of potential improvement.

Earning a master degree in organizational management will prepare me to enhance my interpersonal skills, written and verbal communications and problem-solving and decision making abilities. This course is designed to broaden perspective on salient management responsibilities and skills in key sectors such as healthcare, not-for-profit, community services, and technology and trades. In brief, master’s in organizational management has designed for students who wish to advance their knowledge and career as well.  The curriculum offers a blend of organizational psychology, traditional management and contemporary business strategy.

Canada’s education system is excellent and ranks among the best in the world. Canada is a peaceful, politically stable and safe country. It has internationally recognized degrees, & provides excellent healthcare to international students. Canada is a multicultural country & is the destination which can offer me the desired course contents at very reasonable fee structure unlike the United States and other international countries where international students have to pay exorbitant fees. Moreover, only Canada can provide me with a peaceful and calm atmosphere to pursue my undergraduate education.

Apart from this, Canada is a dynamic and vibrant country, which matches my personality.

The process of choosing the Crandall University for my master degree was great research. I explored comprehensively through online and educational consultants so that my chosen course should be worthwhile. While exploring, I noticed that Master of Organizational Management offered by the Crandall University are well-designed and taught by the highly-qualified professionals equipped with experiences in distinct areas. Moreover, this university offers this course over a period of 11 months, it means, within some time, I can move over to my employment period.  Despite these worthwhile factors, Crandall University has located at the praiseworthy location, i.e. in Moncton, New Brunswick, one of the most dynamic and vibrant cities on Canada’s east coast due to its great shopping, many restaurants, fulfilled festivals, and its lively cultural attractions.

Students who graduate with a master’s in organizational management will be qualified for dozens of top-level positions throughout the business world, so master’s degree recipients in this field may pursue a wide range of professional roles. Most will enter the corporate sector and take on management jobs in human resources, information technology, supply chain logistics or sales and marketing. Additionally, those with an organizational management degree may find work in nonprofit organizations, government agencies, healthcare facilities or higher learning institutions. Among all these, my passion is to become Human resources (HR) manager for supervising organization’s various administrative activities and projects in the top company of India. There, I will often have a direct hand in the recruitment, screening and hiring of job candidates, as well as providing comprehensive orientation for new employees. They also handle tasks related to compensation and benefits, personnel surveys and workplace conflict mediation and able to earn around AUD xxxxxxxxx as my starting salary.

Hopefully, this year I will commence my master’s in the halls of Crandall University.

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